Postdoctoral Researchers
Doron Atias, PhD
Rothschild Postdoctoral Fellowaffective vocalizations, social interactions, multimodal cue integration -
Val Wongsomboon, PhD
Susan Nolen-Hoeksema Postdoctoral Associatesexual health and well-being, health disparities, close relationships, LGBTQ+ individuals, singlehood
Graduate Students
Zhimeng Li
4th-Year Graduate Studentemotion segmentation, cross-cultural emotion perception and mental state inference, language -
Eva Liu
4th-Year Graduate Studentclose relationships, cultural variation in emotion perception, emotion acculturation -
Undergraduate Students and RAs
Lab Alums
Kathy Trang, PhD
Postdoctoral ResearcherPostdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard School of Public Health
Hanxiao Liu
Former Lab Coordinator and RA
Grace Boyer
Undergraduate RA -
Stephanie Cao
Undergraduate RA -
Doris (Junye) Chi
Undergraduate RA -
Thomas Chung
Undergraduate RA -
Yabi Defegu
Undergraduate RA -
Riley Diep
Undergraduate RA -
Sammy Grob
Undergraduate RA -
Eric Kim
Undergraduate RA -
May Lee
Undergraduate RA -
Sarah Michel
Undergraduate RA -
Anika Mohapatra
Undergraduate RA -
Mariah Najera
Undergraduate RA -
Ciara Ostrander
Undergraduate RA -
Beichen Zhang
Undergraduate RA -
Joceyln Zhou
Undergraduate RA